Optimize Product LCA

Green Story’s platform enables you to optimize the Life Cycle Analysis experience. Our intelligent system automatically assigns a supply chain tailored to your products so you can access data on the impact of your product throughout its life cycle in real-time. We want to empower you to make data-backed decisions in the most efficient way. 


Fill data gaps and gain access to the right expertise and resources

At Green Story, we specialize in Life Cycle Analysis, helping you overcome data gaps and providing expert guidance to advance your sustainability goals.

We understand the difficulties associated with collecting accurate and comprehensive data throughout the entire life cycle of a product. With our extensive data library, you can access information on the environmental impact of raw materials, manufacturing processes, transportation, product use, and end-of-life disposal.

Conducting comprehensive LCAs requires profound knowledge and considerable financial resources that may not be accessible to everyone. Through our advisory team, we aim to empower organizations of all sizes, with the necessary information and tools to prioritize their sustainability efforts.


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Instead of building out templates manually and assigning details that can often take days, weeks or months of time to develop the correct models, the Green Story platform can save you time as our templates come with pre-populated and real-time data. 

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Not only can you save time spent on manual modelling, but using our tools means a reduced dependency on external consultants as you don’t need to duplicate efforts and can focus on creating value elsewhere.

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At Green Story, we want to make our tools universally accessible and easy to use. We believe you don’t need to be a specialist and that anyone on your team can use the platform with minimal training.

How it works


Our system requests product information including category, sub-category and other differentiators.

Based on the algorithms within our extensive internal library, it will identify and assign a supply chain template that is best for your product.

Template supply chains are derived from global averages which create immediate footprint calculations as soon as products are uploaded.

Users are able to customize and add business models into the system if they use re-use schemes, take back or rental for a given product. 

Our library is maintained, updated and curated by our internal LCA and apparel experts.

About our LCA methodology

Life Cycle Assessment is a globally recognised methodology used to assess the environmental impacts associated with all stages of the life cycle of a product. Here are more details on our methodology:

Explore the next module

Supply chain transparency

Enrich your supply chain data. Effectively map and manage your supply network to achieve transparency

Environmental Footprint Calculations

With a single click, calculate the footprint of each product at every stage of the life cycle

Impact Contributions

Add a sustainable contribution to the customer purchase experience

Start supercharging your green claims today